This past weekend FTGI took a team of 10 women to NYC to join N.Y.S.U.M. (New York School of Urban Ministry) for their Extreme Makeover Weekend.

Our day at the shelter got off to a rocky start.  We were dropped off at the shelter and we offloaded the supplies that had been packed for us.  It wasn’t until after the van had left that we realized that we did not have the correct supplies.  In fact we had very little of anything.  (Our supplies eventually showed up but not until over an hour and a half later.)  On top of that, the shelter we were assigned to had fewer residents than we expected.  Disappointment and frustration began to creep in.

It was then that our team had to take a step back and really examine ourselves.  We had to remind ourselves that we did not travel all that distance so that we could feel good about how many people we served or how well we executed the plan.  In fact it was not about us at all!  It was about the precious women that were in our midst. It was about the “now” moment.  I was so proud of our team as I saw them come to that realization and take a giant step over themselves to reach out to the women that showed up.  And as they did, love broke through and before we knew it there was laughter being shared and and stories being told.  When the supplies eventually showed up, the pampering began.  As the beauty treatments were administered something even more beautiful was delivered. Hope.

The scheduled ministry at the shelters was the primary reason we went. The unexpected ministry that took place was what happened inside each team member’s heart as we were blessed and humbled by those we went to minister to!  And then, as if all of that was not enough, there was something that happened to us as a team that was and is priceless.

We were able to experience what Paul wrote about so eloquently in 1 Corinthians 12.  We were able to get a taste of what it means to be the “body” of Christ. Our challenge now is to remember that everyday we have the opportunity to use whatever gifts God has given to us to benefit those in need around us.  And when we do that, hope grows and love wins!

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 

1 Cor 12:27