My garden is growing in so well and I have been pretty good about weeding and tending to it.  All except for this one small area.  It is on the side of my house; a palm plant with spiky fan like branches. Last time I weeded there I got struck by the plant and had to deal with an itchy rash for over a week.

But it’s been nagging at me every time I walk by, so since I had nothing pressing to do yesterday I decided to take it on.

As I dug in and pulled back the branches so that I could get at the weeds and unravel the vines that were wrapping themselves around the plant, I thought about the times that I have had a weedy part of my heart that needed tending to.  At times I have let things fester too long because I didn’t want to put in the emotional effort it would take to deal with it. So I would just ignore it.  But just like the weeds, ignoring it doesn’t make it go away. I knew once I started digging in I might be there for a while.

In order for us to operate with maximum capacity to do the work we have been called to do we must create that clean space for healthy things to grow.

Just want to encourage you today to put some gloves on go to work tearing out the weeds. They are not going to go away on their own.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.  Psalm 51:10