This has been my year to be brave.
In the beginning of the year, actually at the end of 2012 ~ this verse leapt off the page to me and I didn’t really know just how much I would need to draw upon it until now.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged; the Lord your God is with you wherever you go ~ Joshua 1:9
For five years I’ve been sharing bits and pieces of my story and my struggle with depression but never in as much detail as this past Sunday.
A few months back my Pastor asked me if I would share my story as the wrap-up of a series called UNMASKED. It was timely request. After 7 years now of cycling in and out of rough bouts with depression I finally feel like I have a handle on how to cope with it.
Every time I make it through a rough patch I believe that I am done with it forever although I know that is not probable. The difference now is that I feel like I have all the tools I need to fight. Until this past year I always felt like I was missing something. Now that I know how to combat the shame associated with depression I believe that I will never suffer as badly as I have in the past.
You can hear my story here. The message begins about 21 mins into the video.
Shame affects every one of us without exception so regardless of whether you suffer from depression or not I believe this message will encourage you. At least that is my hope and the reason that I have chosen to be brave and share. As always I welcome your feedback and comments…
October 30, 2013 at 10:06 am
Tracey, First I want to say thank you for being brave enough to share your story. I know it cannot be easy and I personally do not know if I could share my own story like you have. Secondly, I feel lots of compassion and understanding since I myself deal with shame and depression in my own life. I have struggled with insecurity and feelings of low self-worth from years of abuse.
Being a christian it is sometimes hard to admit you have these negative thoughts. Many times I think I have conquered it and then something happens and there it is again the horrible thoughts of not being good enough or not being accepted.
I am confident though in knowing that God is always with me and I have his word (truth) to always keep me strong. I also have people like you to remind me I am not alone. Thank you Tracey for reminding me to tell my story to let other women know they can be brave and that they are enough.